Monday, October 29, 2012

Fatty and skinny

I realised I havn't put up any whippet pics for ages! And now they've both just  given me particular reason to do so.
Angel because she just about qualifies for dog biggest loser of the year if there was such a thing.
This photo is from last year when she weighed in at 16.6 kg,

Whippets are such a weird shape, in profile her stomach still cut sharply upwards, but looking down  she was decidedly barrel shaped.  I hadn't noticed just how much until she went for her annual shots and our vet gave me a lecture and put her on a diet with strict instructions to cut out the treats.
Which I did, for a while, she does get occasional goodies again now but not all the dinner leftovers every night.
So she went for her shots again the other day and now weighs in at just 12.2kg!
Down 4.4kg, so what, roughly 30% body weight or something like that.
Paisley came for the ride and weighs EXACTLY the same, although she's a bit shorter, and I feed her a bit less, and she runs a lot more. Ideally she needs to weigh a little less
But last night I went out to the shed to make beads for a few hours and when I came back found the cookie container had been raided, two almost full bags demolished, although the bags weren't even ripped lol.
I think Paisley most likely responsible for initiating the raid, but Angel would have definitely got in on it despite looking so innocent
So they didn't get any breakfast this morning, and they didn't even complain, I fully expected some whining but they seemed to understand they were in disgrace.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Big holes

Last year I sold some of my beads in a lovely art gallery up north called the Tutukaka gallery.
A great spot near Whangarei right on a harbour. They closed down for a few months through the winter but are about to reopen for the upcoming summer/ tourist season and so I have an initial order to fill of sixty big hole beads to fit those chunky bracelets.
Perversely as soon as I have a commitment to make a certain item to order I suddenly feel like making lots of other random stuff instead!
So I made myself spend a session making some brighter colours than I usually choose to keep it interesting. The pale greeny one is yellow I guess didn't strike properly, but still kinda pretty, the rest I'm happy with. I tried three different reds, the middle one came out the best but the trouble is I didn't keep track of which one was which!

I need to clean the bead release out a bit better as well but yeah, it's fun to play with different colours:)

Friday, October 12, 2012

At last!!

No beads today, I'm just back from visiting my 95 yr old Grandma in the South Island,
 took some pics of her ramshackle barn

GREAT news, I've been waiting more than two years for this announcement... Wilco are finally coming back to NZ next April! Woot woot!! I got to see them in 08, 09 and 10 and they were amazing every time, last time I was in the front row and Jeff Tweedy spoke to me after playing my request, She's a jar (life highlight lol) and I snapped up one of Glens drumsticks thrown into the crowd at the end, thanks to help from Joe, best friend ever!!

This time I've promised myself I'm going to both shows, Auckland and Wellington, and since I didn't get to see them last year or this year I can justify that.
Glad I already bought Regina Spektor tickets for December too so I don't have to choose ha, and an enamelling weekend workshop in November:)