Saturday, May 18, 2013

Coat and mittens time

So when I went to Wilco the other highlight of my trip was on the journey down to Wellington Joe and I found a coat I fell in love with in a little shop in little old Eltham, and it didn't fit her, and it was only $120, and the designer Todd gave me a discount as well and it's made out of vintage wool blankets and I LOVE it:)

It's so nicely shaped and lined with pink flowers and has the cool original label visible at the back, "single, pure virgin, moth proofed":)
I made slight adjustments to the sleeve cuffs for symetricality(?) and changed the buttons to some real old vintage leather ones. The sleeves are on the shortish side though, maybe 3/4 so then I decided to KNIT some fingerless gloves to wear with it. I havn't really done any knitting before, learned the basics when I was about 10 from my Mum and Grandma but had forgotten most of that.
Found some beautiful yarn to use, picked a pattern on Ravelry and youtubed my way through them...

They were really fun to make, and it's so much cosier sitting in front of the fire knitting on a cold evening than trying to make beads in a cold shed with the fan sucking out any heat.
 So now I have a new addiction, next up - socks.